There should be a detailed instruction card that you receive in your order. However, should you misplace it, please follow the steps below to ensure you apply our vinyl labels correctly -
1. Make sure the surface is clean and dry.
2. Cut out the individual label you're wanting to apply (all of our labels typically come altogether on a sheet).
3. Use your fingernail or credit card to firmly scrape over the top of the tape that the label is underneath.
4. Peel the tape off the backing paper, ensuring the label is stuck to the tape and not the backing paper. If it doesn't stick the first time, run your nail or card over it again and it should work the second time. If this still doesn't work, try peeling from the opposite end.
5. Select the position on where you're wanting to place it and stick the sticky side of the tape (with the label on it) onto the surface.
6. Scratch over the white tape again.
7. Slowly start to peel the white tape away, leaving the vinyl label on the surface and voilà!
If you're still having difficulties applying these, please let us know.